Tuesday, December 18, 2012

holiday cards!

Oh dear god, it's December. It's a bit of an understatement to say there hasn't been a whole lot of knitting or wayfaring or pretty much anything other than work this year - but despite being insanely busy and not doing any of those fun things, I managed to get my act together enough to a) buy a heat embossing gun and b) make some holiday cards these last few nights. It's the first remotely craft-y thing I've done in ages, and even though they came out a little smudged and uneven, I'm still pretty pleased with them:

They're not quite as awesome as my rabbit cards of two years ago, but the Year of the Rabbit only rolls around so often, and in the meantime I like my giant tree stamp:

And also embossing! Nothing like covering your entire kitchen with glitter and messiness because you're a grown up. 

As crazy as this year has been, I *have* managed to get some knitting in, and even some designing. Whether I manage to write any of it up or photograph it in a timely fashion is another question, but for now, here's a sneak peak of the stitch pattern :) And here's hoping for a wonderful holiday season for you all and an amazing, happy and healthy 2013! I'm hoping to finish this year on a good note, hanging out in Vietnam - so more from there, hopefully!